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嘿,各位创作者!想象一下:我基本上是一个对动画、游戏和动漫充满热情的人形球。哦,还有剧透警告:我是“Forever a Kid at Heart”俱乐部的持卡会员。 🎉

让我们谈谈能量——那种比坐过山车吃糖的瑞安·雷诺兹还要狂野的能量。是的,这就是我,我将全力为您的动画系列角色配音!将我视为您动画角色声音艺术的首选合作伙伴。无论您需要疯狂的镜头、配音、ADR 还是现场表演,我都是您的配音演员。



Image by Dex Ezekiel


Let’s make it a super simple process to get your animated voice over done today.  Put my voice to work for your villian, creature, warrior, chibi or cat! I'm here creating  new voices each day television, radio or internet. Let's engaging the world with your story and make them smile.

Use this form to reach out or the chat box at the far bottom right to speak live. 

Thanks for submitting!

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